NRT is a soft tissue massage technique that takes a neurological approach to healing. This new movement-based technique works with muscles, fascia, nerves, and ligaments. During an NRT session, the therapist at carefully checks each area of your body to locate any tight or painful areas and then resets are performed for dysfunctional muscles. This can help you find pain relief that lasts!
What is Neural Reset Therapy?

Neural Reset Therapy (NRT) is a very unique soft-tissue therapy that is different from traditional massage, but equally as effective. NRT utilizes an advanced manual technique to reset the nervous system to release a muscle from excessive tension. When the muscle is properly reset, knots, pain and tightness disappear, and mobility is improved. The science behind NRT is based on principles discovered by two great scientists, Sherrington and Pfluger, who investigated the nervous system over a century ago to uncover its basic operating laws. The results of NRT are far more efficient and reliable than traditional therapeutic methods such as deep tissue massage.
During a session, your therapist will check each of your muscles to locate trouble spots. They will then perform a number of resets for those areas. These resets may involve tapping with a reflex hammer on a specific muscle or asking you to follow a simple instruction such as “hold your arms out in front of you, lightly push against my arm.” These brief stimulations send messages through the receptors embedded in the muscles to the spinal cord. These new signals will allow your muscle to be optimized neurologically. Then the muscle will be freed of its dysfunction and your pain will melt away within seconds.
In addition to releasing muscle and joint pain, neural reset therapy can help with issues like chronic sinusitis, chronic back or neck problems, hip or rotator cuff problems, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow and many others. Unlike acupuncture’s needle-based approach or chiropractic care, neural reset therapy is gentle and virtually painless.
It also can be used to relieve lymph congestion, which is important for optimum health and healing. Lymph congestion causes a buildup of toxins, overworked immune systems, and other conditions that lead to disease and pain. The removal of these toxins and the normalizing of the lymph flow in the body can often eliminate these conditions and provide long-lasting relief.
How is Neural Reset Therapy done?
Neural Reset Therapy (NRT) is a recently developed form of bodywork that offers rapid muscular pain relief by working directly with the nervous system. Muscles are controlled by the nervous system and proper application of NRT resets the nervous system to release a muscle from excessive tension. Once the nervous system is “reset”, knots, pain and tightness disappear, and joint mobility and posture improve. NRT is not an energetic method but is based on sound physiological and neurological principles.
During an NRT session, your therapist will thoroughly evaluate each muscle for pain and tightness. The therapist then activates the receptors embedded in a specific muscle by asking for it to be held in a position, moved in a specific direction or lightly touched. This brief activation sends a message through the spinal cord and relays it to the brain. The new signal often significantly reduces or eliminates the pain in a tight muscle within ten seconds.
In a NRT session, your therapist may use their hands to lightly touch the surface of a muscle or gently tap on a specific part of that muscle with a reflex hammer. This triggers the mechano-receptors to send a message through the spinal cord and relays that message to the brain. The new signal often significantly decreases or eliminates the pain in a stiff muscle within ten seconds.
Your therapist may also perform additional manual procedures such as applying traction, stretching or compression to the affected muscle. NRT sessions are quick, effective, pain-free, completely safe and done while you are fully clothed. It is much more efficient and less painful than deep tissue massage and the results last as long or longer than those obtained with other therapeutic approaches.
At HAC, we are one of the few facilities in the area that is offering this cutting edge work to clients. HAC has certified a number of practitioners in NRT. We host a series of three workshops each year for NRT (Neural Reset Therapy): NRT for the Upper Body, NRT for the Lower Body and Advanced NRT. If you are interested in learning this powerful technique, please contact us to discuss upcoming courses.
What is the outcome of Neural Reset Therapy?
Your body has specialized nerve bundles called mechanoreceptors. These receptors respond to pressure, velocity, vibration, stretch and more. NRT involves the therapist activating these mechanoreceptors in a muscle by moving it in a specific way, this sends a signal back to the spinal cord and resets the dysfunctional muscle to normal optimal neurological tone. This results in pain either significantly dissipating or disappearing, often within a matter of tens of seconds.
NRT is a gentle and highly effective form of bodywork. Unlike acupuncture, which relies on needles to activate the meridians, and chiropractic, which focuses on spinal adjustments for pain relief, NRT at Carlsbad Massage Reset focuses on the underlying cause of pain by reprogramming the nervous system. This non-invasive approach makes NRT a much more relaxing technique, and it can be performed while you are fully clothed.
Using precise touch, the therapist locates areas of painful or tight muscles. Then, the therapist performs a series of resets in these muscles to ease the tension and return them to a healthy state. The therapist then rechecks the areas to make sure that all resets have been successful.
Once the muscles are relaxed, the knots and pain are gone, the joint mobility improves and posture corrects. NRT is a very powerful tool for addressing pain related to sports injuries, chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, degenerative diseases and more.
The therapist will also work with the client to identify other trigger points and areas of restriction that are contributing to their symptoms. Together they will develop a treatment plan to address these issues and eliminate the pain, discomfort and limited mobility.
Neural Reset Therapy can help with a wide range of conditions including neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, shoulder and hip pain, knee and foot pain, and even tenacious chronic pain. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments or on its own. It is a comfortable and effective alternative to acupuncture and chiropractic, as it doesn’t require the undressing or anxiety associated with needles. It is an excellent tool to add to your overall wellness routine and improve your quality of life.
Are Neural Reset Therapy sessions painful?
A session of Neural Reset Therapy is gentle and relaxing. However, because this technique works with the nerves and muscles it can be a little more intense than traditional massage. Clients typically report soreness after a session that feels similar to a hard workout. This soreness may last up to 48 hours in some cases.
The goal of NRT is to send a special message along the nerves of a muscle that causes it to be neurologically reset. This reset eases the tension the muscle may be holding, and allows it to then heal correctly.
This is done by stimulating specialized nerve bundles embedded in a muscle called mechanoreceptors. These receptors respond to pressure, speed, vibration, stretch and other factors. When a therapist activates these receptors by asking the client to hold or move the muscle in a certain way the receptors send a new signal to the spinal cord via the spinal integrating center that changes the tone of the muscle. This new tone is optimal neurologically for the muscle. When this is accomplished pain in the dysfunctional muscle often dissipates or disappears within seconds.
Allyson Hopkins is a licensed massage and bodywork therapist (LMT) in North Carolina. She has studied the science of neural reset therapy under Lawrence Woods and is a master certified Neuromuscular Reset Therapist.
She has over 10 years of experience with clients who have come to her with a variety of physical complaints, from neck and back pain to tennis elbow and hip problems. In her practice she uses a blend of techniques to address the root cause of the pain, whether it is due to a traumatic injury or poor posture and movement patterns.
Allyson believes that the best approach to addressing any type of pain is to help the body heal itself. This is why she incorporates a wide range of techniques into her sessions, including manual techniques such as effleurage, petrissage and tapotement, as well as movement patterns such as active stretching. She also uses breath work, visualization and other modalities to support the healing process.